Rejection Policy

Product could be rejected by WFHC or the Food Access Sites if it did not meet program requirements. If there was a rejection, a Quality Control Inspection Report (see Important Program Documents section of Appendix) was filled out by the receiver and returned with the Bill of Lading (see Important Program Documents section of Appendix).

The producer received a copy of the Quality Control Inspection Report form. Producer was not paid for any rejected product. Depending on the rejection, WFHC may have referred the producer to Marbleseed to receive technical assistance before they continued to sell more product.


  • Product was too warm (not transported or stored in proper temperatures)

  • Product was moldy or deteriorating

  • Product was stored in dirty or unsanitary containers

  • Product was delivered in a personal or unrefrigerated vehicle to the hunger relief site and does not fall under one of the exceptions.

Referral Process

If program standards were not met a referral was be made to your WI LFPA Specialist.

  • WFHC notified Producer and WI LPFA Specialist immediately.

  • WI LFPA Specialist responded to producers within 2 business days.

  • WI LFPA Specialist and producer created a resolution.

  • Producer resumed sales to the program.